Friday, 5 January 2007

All work and no play makes Gonzo a Dull Boy

Bored at work is becoming an increasingly familiar feeling as far as I'm concerned... My first steps into the depressing world of 9 am to 6 pm are still quite recent... However, it feels like an eternity now... Such prolonged status of working hypnosis could only lead to an inevitable boredom... Boredom that could only lead to a variety of activities designed by and, for the bored: My Space, Hi5, You Tube, Second Life, and all that networking paraphernalia.

All this brings us to this: The creation of a blog. I might invite other people to join so to make all this more interesting. Reading and writing about films & music might, believe it or not, bore the shit out of me too. And again, I will be set back to square one. No, not this time. This blog might not be my salvation. Far from it, but a place where I can spit, discharge, release, sputter and set free all my mundane thoughts can only help my present state of mind. Unleashing mediocrity upon the unsuspecting public sounds like a pleasant way of spending my mind numbing working afternoons.

Long live this blog. If even for a month or so.....

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